I am doing a simple platform game in 2.5D view and I’m trying to solve a problem with DOTween animated platforms (with Kinmetic Rigidbody component). I did a GetPointVelocity method to extract the platform velocity and add that to my player Rigidbody. I tested the values and both rigidbodies have same velocity values but the Player has some delay with the movement. Player seems to do the same movement but with a small delay on it. Any info please?
Doesn’t seem too bad. I’m impressed he’s managing to stay on it. In reality the little guy would probably go flying when the platform changed direction so quickly.
Instead of using GetPointVelocity you could switch to a high friction material and set ‘Dynamic Friction’ to 20 and ‘Friction Combine’ to Maximum. But you should only do this when there’s no input otherwise the character will struggle to walk/slide onto the platform because of the high friction.
Ty for the reponse. Actually I’m not using frictions, I am copying the platform rigibody velocity and adding it to the player velocity. The rigidbody and material values are the same (0 friction cause I’m faking the physics). I debugged the velocity in that clip and both are the same velocity so… maybe the DOTween is doing something diferent with the platform rigidbody? I’m so lost right now, this is my best result for now