delayed execution of code

All I want to do is add a delay to some execution of code.
I already have a couple of delays when the player gets hit. However, I can’t seem to make the enemy delay from spawning. The enemy has some pretty basic code, but I can’t seem to get the

IEnumerator function()


yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);

to work at all. Basically the “wait for X seconds” is all I’m really looking to do.


Ok, here is my entire “blocker” code. (blocker is the enemy here)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Blocker : MonoBehaviour
#region Variables
public float MinSpeed;
public float MaxSpeed;

public float currentSpeed;
private float x, y, z;

#region Properties

#region Functions
void Start()

void Update()
    float amtToMove = currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
    transform.Translate(Vector3.down * amtToMove);

    if (transform.position.y <= -5)

public void SetPositionAndSpeed()
    currentSpeed = Random.RandomRange(MinSpeed, MaxSpeed);
    x = Random.RandomRange(-3.7f, 4.1f);
    y = 8.0f;
    z = 0.0f;

    transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherObject)
    //if blocker hits the player, delay the blocker's spawn
    if (otherObject.tag == "player")

IEnumerator BlockWait()
	yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);


I'm assuming you are expecting anything called after StartRoutine to also be delayed. This is not the case, StartCoroutine will start the coroutine function to run in parrallel.

For example:

void Start()
    print("call coroutine");
    print("start coroutine complete");

IEnumerator BlockWait()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);
    print("wait completed")

The expected output would be:

call coroutine
start coroutine complete
wait completed