Delayed jump on android

I’m working on a mobile app 2D and I have a button with a script that supposed to make the player jump, and it works.
The only thing there is, is that when I press it there is a short delay from when I press the button until
the player jumps. It’s really annoying so I hope you’ll be able to help me. Thanks!

P.s: on my cumputer it’s working just fine but not on my phone.

Here is the script im using:

public void Jump()
	if (Grounded) 
		Jumping = true;
		Grounded = false;
		rb.AddForce (new Vector2 (rb.velocity.x, jumpSpeedY));


rigidbody2D.AddForce(Vector3.up * jumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

Try using “Time.deltaTime” in your script ;

if that doesn’t work u can use “Time.fixedDeltaTime” too;

but i need tho whole code for this to awnser;