Delaying Integrate Step Using LoadAssetAsync

When using Addressables.LoadSceneAsync, SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync, and Resources.LoadAsync, you can delay the final Integrate step after the threaded download/setup phase.

This is important as the integrate step usually has a high performance cost and can easily impact the game’s frame rate. I have been able to mitigate this with the other methods by manually controlling the number of assets that are allowed to integrate in a single frame.

Addressables.LoadAssetAsync does not appear to have a similar feature, which seems like an oversight. Does anyone know if I am missing a way to do this? The assets in question are game object prefabs if that matters.

In case you are wondering why I don’t just use one of the other methods, I need to support all four of the async methods for the purpose of an Asset Store product.

Also, I have profiled this and the integrate step when using Addressables.LoadAssetAsync is 100% an issue.

Well, if no one knows of a way to do this, then I’d like to offer it as a suggestion of something that can be added to the Addressables System. It seems like a strange oversight that this isn’t already doable, considering the way the other Async methods work.