Hi everyone, I am new at Unity and want to learn the delegate event, but I have a problem. I want when the button has been clicked, it will show some GUI button on it. I already tried the delegate, but the event is not fired (I mean the GUI button is not shown).
Here is the code that I am using:
The code below is to show the GUI button when I run the game.
public class IItemDatabase : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void Action(); // Set the event for the button
public static event Action onClicked; // The event for when the button has been clicked
protected virtual void OnGUI()
// Call the SetStyle method
// Set the GUIContent as the tooltip
GUIContent buttonText = new GUIContent("Open Shop");
// Set the GUIContent as the tooltip
GUIContent buttonTexts = new GUIContent("Open Inventory");
// This GUILayoutUtility is useful because it is to fit the content
Rect buttonGUI = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, "Button");
// This GUILayoutUtility is useful because it is to fit the content
Rect buttonGUIs = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonTexts, "Button");
// Set where have to the Rect displayed
buttonGUI.x = 5;
buttonGUI.y = Screen.height - 25;
// Set where have to the Rect displayed
buttonGUIs.x = 125;
buttonGUIs.y = Screen.height - 25;
// If the button has been clicked
if (GUI.Button(buttonGUI, buttonText, style))
if (onClicked != null)
if (GUI.Button(buttonGUIs, buttonTexts, style))
if (onClicked != null)
// End of the clicked button event
And here is the I want it to display when the button has been clicked:
public class IInventory : MonoBehaviour
protected virtual void OnEnable()
IItemDatabase.onClicked += DoGUI;
protected virtual void OnDisable()
IItemDatabase.onClicked -= DoGUI;
protected virtual void DoGUI()
Rect slotRect = new Rect(x * 35 + (Screen.width / 3) + 50, y * 35 + (Screen.height / 3) - 10, 30, 30);
GUI.Box(slotRect, GUIContent.none);
But when I clicked the button that it suppose to fired the DoGUI() in IInventory class, it does not run the function.
How do I solve this?
Thank you.
Your answer much appreciated!