Delete Cache of Built Games?

I am almost done with making my game (it’s super small, 78kb), but Unity add’s an extra 50mb which I found super annoying. I know that the library folders recreate when opening the project. But what folders do I delete when I have already built my game, so that way my game isn’t 50mb and it damage the final product.

Check the build report (in the editor log after building) for figuring out what is included that might not need to be in your build.

Keep in mind that the size of the project and the size of the build game has noting in Common.

I wouldn’t be too optimistic on getting that size down. Just out of curiosity, I tried created a brand new project under 2019.4, and creating a build that only included the sample scene. The size of the build directory is just over 47 mb. 13.3 mb are “Included DLLs”, and 20 mb is UnityPlayer.dll. Then it looks like there’s a bit more mono stuff and a couple of 3-4 mb additional dlls.

Maybe it’s possible you could do something to prevent Unity from including some of the DLLs, if you know you aren’t using then, but I’m not sure.

If you’re hoping to keep the build incredibly small, you might need to look into “Project Tiny”: ECS for Unity I don’t use it, and I don’t know if it’s production ready or viable, but if you’re trying to keep the build size down, that’s probably an approach to consider.

What platform is the built game for? That can make a big difference to size.