Delete GameObject on a specific Grid Location

I decided to make this 5x5 grid:

public GameObject gridBlock;
public static int width = 5;
public static int height = 5;

private GameObject[,] grid = new GameObject[5, 5];
public GameObject theHandler;

public void SpawnGrid()
    //Spawn Grid
    for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            //X Block Grid
            Vector3 startPos = theHandler.transform.position;
            GameObject gridTile = (GameObject)Instantiate(gridBlock);
            gridTile.transform.position = new Vector3(startPos.x + x, startPos.y - y, 0);
    } // End of Loop

Now I wanted to a delete a specific grid block (gameObject) that has the position of (1, -2) on the map.
I tried using this:

void Update()
       DestroyBlock( 1, -2);

public void DestroyBlock(int x, int y)

It gives me a “out of range array” error. Any thoughts on this?

Once you make the array, the smallest index is 0, so you would have indices of 0 thru 4. -2 will generate an out of range error.