Delete objects in CircleCollider2D (OnTriggerStay2D)

Hello there!
I want want to delete all objects with a specific tag all around one object with this script, but it just deletes one of them all 10 seconds, how can i do it that it deletes all in the CircleCollider2D (:ballot_box_with_check: IsTiggered) ?

public class _Destroy_Script_ : MonoBehaviour
    public float Destroy_Timer = 10f;

    void Start()
        Destroy_Timer = 10f;

    void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other)
        Destroy_Timer -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (Destroy_Timer <= 0)

            if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Destroy_Tag"))
            Destroy_Timer = 10f;



Ty for reading and coming answers, excuse my bad english.

You’ll need a specific timer for each new object entered.

You could create a dictionary (import System.Collections.Generic) and map a time with a gameobject. Something like this:

    Dictionary<GameObject, float> mappedTimers = new Dictionary<GameObject, float>();
	public float Destroy_Timer = 10f;
	void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D other) {
		//add to dictionary if it has the destroy tag and if it's no in there
		if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Destroy_Tag") && !mappedTimers.ContainsKey(other.gameObject)) {
			//add with a timer value of 10
			mappedTimers.Add(other.gameObject, Destroy_Timer);
		//now if we have this gameobect, substract time
		if(mappedTimers.ContainsKey(other.gameObject)) {
			mappedTimers[other.gameObject] -= Time.deltaTime;
			//check after substracting
			if (mappedTimers[other.gameObject] <= 0) {
				//remove from dictionary, because euhm, we're about to destroy it i guess ;)

Didn’t compile the code tho. But my instinct tells me this seems ok :slight_smile: