Delete Unity Cloud Build Credentials


I have created multiple Signing Creds on Unity Cloud Build. Now I want to clean up these credential. I looked around almost everywhere but unable to find an option to delete them.

Does anyone know how can I delete Signing Creds?


Hi Muhammad,

This feature is currently in development. I’ll update this thread when it’s available. For now you can delete credentials from the build API.

You can enter your API key in the upper left, and then go down to ‘Delete Android Credentials’ or ‘Delete iOS Credentials’ to run the API call to actually delete them.


Perfect, thanks

@timtunity3d How is this feature progressing? It would really simplify my life a LOT to be able to delete credentials in UCB. Especially iOS credentials.

@therealedebarudo , you can access them via Unity ID (in the left side bar). However, via the website you can only delete one by one. Via the UCB API you could batch remove.

Sorry to bring this up, couldnt find any other answers and the cloud link doesnt seem to work anymore. Is there any way to do it via the web yet? ( Its been almost 2 years )

You can still visit the page which the link goes to, it’s in the left side bar when you’re viewing the top level of the developer dashboard (i.e. not viewing a project).

Ah i see it, though that link “” doesn’t work, but the menu link does.