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No problem downloading and installing that version on my side…

Edit: no problem deinstlaling it either.

All I can say is that I’ve never had any problems downloading and installing Unity from the Hub from day 1 (except when I try installing certain - not all of them - old versions that are not listed in the Hub), whether on Windows or Linux.

I suppose the problem is on your side; your internet connection maybe? Or something in your computer? What platform are you using? Is it up to date?

I also updated to 2.4.2 and wanted to download 2019.4.15f1. And knocks out a download error

I’m having exactly the same problem - hub 2.4.2 trying to download 2020.2.3f1

Just updated the HUb to 2.4.2 This morning and no issues.
1- Installed 2019.4.19f1 with no modules, no issues.
2- There are only the following options for me, refer to pic:
Unless you go to the site and DL 2019.4.15f1 specifically.
3- Went to the archives and DL’d the above version with no issues.

Sorry, don;t know what to tell you, MS certificates? Firewall? Sometimes you gotta go back to basics but hope you get this figured out.

Disable windows defender and antivirus

I’ve never had a problem with Unity Hub till…today. Yesterday was working ( ver. 2.4.3 ), I was able to re-install 2020.2.1f and today I got the “Failed to install” message, no matter which editor version, totally out of the blue and all the suggested workarounds didn’t work for me.

if you don’t see the progress bar it might not be doing anything. I restarted the process; my problem was selecting the right network (private instead of public) and it started downloading.

The problem for me is that it starts the download and it stops always around 1.1GB and throws the error, if I go into %Temp% folder the partial download is there :frowning:

Have you tried going to Preferences → License Management and activating a new license? I never had any problems with Unity Hub but for some reason I got the same error as you today. I activated a new license and that seemed to do the trick for me, so it might work for you too.