Deleting a Thread (please do not delete)

It is difficult to find the button for deleting a thread.

PS: Please do not delete this thread.

There is no way to delete your own thread.

Yes looks like.
You can delete the thread by using “Report”.
But is not intuitive.

True, you can do that, though it’s not really “deleting” a thread. Rather’s it’s asking a moderator to delete it for you.

I’m not sure if there are any plans to allow users to delete their own threads. Probably not.

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Deleting a thread is useful the first day when the thread is created.
For example when making a stupid question that has a very simple answer
or when you want to move the thread to a better-related section making a better specific question.

Other people ask (and Google) stupid questions too. The more stupid questions we ask, the less stupid questions people need to ask.

I am all for keeping Stupid Questions.


It is not about your questions or your content. It’s about the usefulness of the information. It is usually useful for others to see what was the problem and what is the solution, so next time, the next guy doesn’t have to ask. This is why you can’t delete your own threads and neither the moderators will unless it’s seriously no use for anything. (Deliberately edited out content can be reinstated by moderators)


Agree is useful. I’m talking about the exceptional case where the user understands that is not useful at all. For example, my baby playing with the keyboard makes the question by typing randomly.

Anyway, the user has the power to edit and delete the text content so is almost the same as giving a delete button.

Editing thread button allows delete thread, if there is no response yet.
It is useful, when accidentally. Or wrongly posted thread. Or decide, the thread is not needed for own need.

But if people start replying or liking, and perhaps after some time, thread can not be deleted by poster. Only by mods.

However each post owned by posters can be edited. But major edition, and trying removing valid content, can and will be reported by users, to revert changes by moders.

Some posters occasionally try to remove post, after answer been given. This is very unwelcome behaviour.

Least welcome questions are, the one, which are asked frequently and answer can be found after less than min search effort. Other may be treated as spam, if content is irrelevant to forum section, or gibberish.

If a particular user abuses the delete button, only apply that rule automatically to that user only and not to the entire community. It is not the case that the “forum” is like a chain of blocks. If the community asks for a delete button and gets a No, I suspect is just for “engagement” economic reasons… and not for the community.
Because is the community in first please asking for the delete button.

You have a misconception. Users can edit their posts, that’s true. It does show on the forum when you edit your post. But if you delete the content of your post (no matter if it is thread starter or not) and moderator notices or someone reports it, moderators have the power to put your post back. Which means you really can’t delete your post through post edit when it is important.

I get it, is a fuse for John Galt user. I’m not so sure if is legal but there is the moderator option. It does not look appealing.

Only legal aspect is, if you claim for “Right To Be Forgotten” on the internet.
Provided your post didn’t contained any illegal stuff in the first place.
Otherwise, trying to remove part of chain conversation, you go against rules of the forum / community, which you signed and agreed, when joined.
Even in the case “Right To Be Forgotten”, you post wont be deleted, only made anonymous.

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Thanks for the clarification. Usually other forums I was navigating for example Rhino or RAD where I’m coming from in the past, the delete button is not visible but available.

The “Right To Be Forgotten”, “I’m in control” or forum delete button is just an eject seat in case of disaster. The pilot has always the first decision. Asking permission to the tower for ejection as a (forum) rule is not normal and uncomfortable. Kicking the user out of control of its own creation by a forum rule is not nice.

A blockchain that contains personal content for eternity is undestroyable but also illegal extremely difficult to persecute.

As I understand reading in Wikipedia in Italian and Spanish, Individuals instead have the honor chance of repentance, the authority of asking to be forgotten the full text and without giving an explanation. Unity instead does not have the right to be forgotten because is not an individual.

Imagine if the service provider decides a “cartel” of web-hosting pages that can’t be deleted like a blockchain. Information grows in their servers. For example the Wikipedia server provider.

If the tower tells the pilot here is your heading, follow the route… The pilot respect that.
But if there is a cumulus nimbus or decided to land in a river the pilot change deviates and informs that decision to the tower back. The tower picks up notes and assigns that a new route and deviates other traffic. The pilot is in control locally as well as the tower in general. All is registered but is not impose.

I never notice this Unity unconventional forum rule. Feels like makes humanity and the community stupid or disarms humanity. Especially if moderators are substitutes later with more “smart” operators.

Moderators, in general, must accept the “Delete” request without asking too much. And keep the data for a criminal investigation.

You think that also works for social media?
Specially when lets say the post been seen and shared across?

The question is, what kind of situation, want to delete a post? For what reason?
Sure there may be valid case, but can you think of any as an example?
What about people who referenced your post and quoted it.
Neverminded saying, when social media shared. Is not like you can delete these.

People take for granted and think, can say anything washout obligations.
Then simply click delete button.
This is not working like that, and demands to think before taken action, rather after.

On Unity forum, if anything, you can always use report. And if having valid case, your request may be accepted.
This prevents from abusive use of said “delete” button, because someone had bad mood on that day.
Report button is used often, to cleanup nonsense and aggressive discussions, including spam.
So is not that, there is 0 options.

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No, Deleting a thread is useful the first day when the thread is created. It happened to me twice. For example when my baby types randomly and creates a thread. Or making a draft submitted by accident but for a different sector of the forum. I lose quite a lot of time finding the delete button!

Unity tells it rather after when you look for the delete button.
Yes, but there is a learning curve.
Anyway, the User can say anything, make a mistake, and regret it.
What we can’t tolerate is individual demonic perseverance.