Hello everyone, i have a very simple question. How can i delete a gui box after pressing any of the buttons on it ?
here is my code :
static var guivar= 0;
var f : Font;
var f2 : Font;
function OnGUI () {
GUI.skin.font = f;
GUI.Box (Rect (150,230,380,100), "FlightTime");
GUI.skin.font = f2;
if (GUI.Button (Rect (160,270,100,30), "5 Min"))
Timer.seconds = 59;
Timer.minutes= 04;
if (GUI.Button (Rect (285,270,100,30), "10 Min")) {
Timer.seconds= 59;
Timer.minutes = 09;
if (GUI.Button (Rect (417,270,100,30), "15 Min")) {
Timer.seconds = 59;
Timer.minutes = 14;
please help me