I have over 2 years worth of changesets and 150 GB worth of cloud usage. I am currently paying quite a bit for stuff I will never, ever, ever use again. I would like to delete all changesets / data from before 2023.
How can this be done? All I found is some shady command line stuff where you have to manually pick file extensions and all
So, how can we easily purge all that old data that is literally costing us money for nothing? Can’t found a way to do it either through the website of Plastic or through the desktop application. Weird?
Thank you for getting back to me, but this is really, really, really, really not helpful. I read the doc, and even with help from the support I could not delete anything. I am not gonna write down all file types I have been using for the past 2 years. Do you really think people are gonna remember all files they have been using for 2 entire years of DAILY commits? There isn’t even a way to select all files. And if there is, well it’s not in the documentation!
Year is 2023. Not 1990. Why can’t we have a normal way of handling files, like, I don’t know, a button?!
I will not be using a command line tool to simply delete files. Come on. I am not supposed to read and learn how to use command line to juste DELETE 2 YEARS OLD FILES.
I will be resigning my subscription and you will not be getting any more money from me. This is just a joke, seriously. Worst money spent.
I agree that having some visual way to purge the data will be helpful. They idea of this feature is not to remove all the files but just the bigger binary files, assets… that are taking more space in the storage.
In your case, the legacy “cm archive --help” command may be more useful. The command includes some examples.
I’m encountering the same problem and don’t understand why Unity hasn’t fixed it yet. I’ve been a solo developer working on my game for 5 years, and I don’t need changesets that are older than one year. It seems that this is only beneficial for Unity as it leads to them making more money off me.
I already removed PlasticSCM because of that. Unfortunately I can no longer use it because it accumlate each time new MB into newer and older changeset without the permission to remove it. It’s really strange that this options comes without any button to doing that. Why they just couldn’t implement into a button directly a command prompt to doing that automatically instead of manually. It’s really makes no sense to me.
Even tho purge doesn’t worked for me always throw the same issue