Deleting PlayerPref problem

Basically i have a piece of code that captures a players score and is then used later to show the score.

The problem i am having though is the fact that when a player resets the level the player pref is not deleting even though i have a code telling it to do so:

PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("Player Score"); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Player Score", score);

The above script shows that i am deleting the playerpref before allowing the player to store it again however it is now working.

You're just deleting the key and then immediately writing it again. This will have the same effect as not deleting it at all. If you want the key to be deleted, then don't write it again.

Make a -1, and then when you up to the server, just have it check if it's <0, if so, then dont do it, if so, then do it.