Demo Movie

In case people haven’t seen it there is a new demo movie on this page:

I have to say, I think that Unity is freaking amazing. Kudos to the UT team for their work. :wink:


Unity Rocks!

I’m rather impressed with the footage of Unity Remote in action. It’s pretty amazing to see a game running on the iPhone/iPod Touch while it still allows the user to alter the game parameters from within Unity itself and have it immediately take effect on the iPhone/iPod Touch hardware.

I also can’t help but think how cool it would be to have this type of instant interactivity within our games themselves. (For example, a first person shooter running on a desktop machine using both the iPhone/iPod Touch accelerometer and touch screen as the primary controller and game interface.)

You’re able to do that now with the iPhone if you’re good at network programming. Check out this app in the app store:

It would be kool to create a full Unity game for desktop… and a side game for the iPhone which is an extension to the desktop version. Also like the PSP and PS3.

So yeah, it is do-able.

Indeed, Unity is really impressive. I’ve been following the company for years, met them at WWDC a while back (pre-iPhone apps) and now that I’ve been playing with it and now the iPhone edition… I’m stunned.

I look forward to learning from everyone here, so far I’m having too much fun! :smile:

So, ho do you rotate the view around the selected object like he does the ship in this video? That has been driving me crazy. Is there some orbit key or something?


@Shanesta: first you select the object in the scene or the heirarchy then in the Scene view hit the F key to frame in on it. Then in the Scene view option key + left-mouse drag to orbit. middle-mouse pans, right-mouse zooms. Very useful especially since some 3D modeling apps use the same technique. :smile: