Demo of Labyrints


On that link you can download the demo of my first game made with Unity

It’s called Labyrints.

Here is the Link:

I hope I get many reviews about this game from you so that I know if it is profitable to sell this game. (will cost between 3 - 5 €).


This took a huge amount of time to download on a hard to navigate upload site :frowning:

The game idea is good, but there are quite a few stuff that needs attention. First off, the quality of the textures isn’t great, and there are noticeable artefacts when they are tiled. The menu screen was a little of a disappointment after that very cool zoom in at the beginning - and it isn’t a good idea to use OTEE’s font in a game being sold.

One of the worst things in this game, and many other games (and I can sympathise with you here, this is incredibly hard) is the camera. It’s hard to see what’s happening, and what’s incredibly annoying is when you’re moving in one direction, and whilst doing that press the other only to let go of the original milliseconds afterwards. When you do that (as I naturally do in many games) the camera snaps straight to another angle - a lerp would be nice.

The acceleration and deceleration of the ball is a bit slow, and if you crash into a wall, it takes a while to get up to speed again.

And, one of the most annoying thing is that skull thingy. Whilst it looks really cool (well done with the eyes!) it stops me from moving - at completely random intervals! When it’s gone, I’m facing another direction moving at a different speed - in a place like a maze all the directions look the same so it completely throws you off route. It’s horribly frustrating! >_<

The fountains seem to stop rather abruptly and start abruptly. A smooth transition would be nice, maybe gravity to the particles so that the emitter stops but the particles are still falling down afterwards for about a second?

And the file size - it’s huge! Are you stripping Debug symbols? Are you compressing textures? Do you have huge amounts of content that the player isn’t seeing at all?

And the manual is rather long too - covering rather basic stuff and is a bit silly. I think everyone knows what those numbers are at the top, ticking along, especially since they just pressed the “whose the fastest” option in multiplayer…

And I don’t think it will be sellable, mainly because it just isn’t a fun aspect to be in a maze at the height of the player - I hated the old Windows 95 screensaver that did that. Perhaps at a higher height, with a considerable bit of polish, people will invest €2, £1 or so.

Socksy is right…I tried like 4 times but couldn’t even figure out how to DL the file…

Agreed, this might be the most annoying download EVER. I got it to work though, but jumping through that many hoops is so painful that if this is your distribution model for your games you might have to pay people to play it instead of the other way around.

On the upside, you have some programming skills, but if I were you I’d team up with an artist and do a collaborative project. No one is going to play a maze game like this anymore… my Amiga 1000 had a more visually interesting 3D maze game than this. Not trying to be harsh, just a realistic critique.

But the most important part is you have the drive to create full games like this so keep it up.