Hi all. Here i present an awesome demon, i realized it with J.R.R. Tolkien’s Balrog’s description in mind. It is 11,9 K tris and his whips are 0,25 K tris each. It comes with none the less than 54 animations ( grounded, in air + whip ) and 2 skins : 2 x 2048x2048 maps ( body + wings, diffuse and normals), its lair, one rock ( + lod ) and a 512x512 lava rock texture. The package is available at 30 dollars.
There are two whips : one for whip attack and another one when it’s unused (rolled around its neck). i’ll give the frame and average timing to activate or not each game object individually. User’ll have to switch from one whip to another when getting the whip or putting in back. Of course you can wipe out the whips since there are separate game objects.
Hope those who vote for the demon in my " GOSSIP" poll will be glad.
Regards to all
test the beast in a WEB PLAYER
here is a video of what is included in the package ( note that the " playAnimation.cs scipt and the GUIskin belonging are not included)
I didn’t know Trolls believed in Christ. Must have been converted during the Leprechaun Crusades in the early 3rd century.
The model looks good. You could give him dual maces, each with a human head as the head of the mace. But I’m most likely not a potential customer, so listen to the paying customers first.
bump : hi all, here it’s really hard for me to get concentrated and focus on any task … i think i’m in love ( very bad desease … ). But i managed to create only 14 anims for the moment … hope i’ll stick to what i announced earlier. So the demon will be able to send spells ( x4 ) he has a " finger knife" 3 hit combo, a “head horn butt”, a jump attack, a hellish breath attack, and a breacker defense ( or may be used as a frightening anim, player are stick and can’t move …). I’ll make him fly as soon as possible. According to what i want and the result of the poll i’ll create a small add on : a hellish whip ( lava one ) with specific anims. It’ll be available at 5 dollars. I’ve updated the first post to give you a quick overview of the already created anims.
hi there, i managed to create the 30 anims… The first post has beeb updated so that you can have a look. But here i have a problem : among those 30 anims there are no impact and death. The big question is do i reduce some of his grounded attack anims so that i can produce one impact anim and 2 deaths ( grounded and aerial ) or should i just set a ragdoll for all death and create just one impact anim ??? Another possible thing : i could produce an add-on available at 5 dollars with impact in 6 directions ( grouded and aerial) and 2 deaths ( grounded and aerial ) means 14 anims in this pack. Thanks for your advices and comment …
well; here i’m currently animating the demon’s whip, it’s nearly finished, i have to do 2 animations more with the whip. Then i’ll create the impact and death anim. I’ll update the first post with a quick rendering of those animations. A web player will be done last. But here it’ll be possible for me to trigger only 3 or 4 anims as i’m not a programmer.
15 whip anims : get whip, put back whip, whip attack 1, 3 hit combo whip attack, 9 hit combo whip attack, walking whip attack, groudedWhipIdle, impact x 6 directions, grouded whip death, grouded whip dead idle. Maybe i’ll create a walking 3 and 9 hit combo whip attack …
Regards to all
hi there, i’ve updated the first post with a quick rendering of my demon’s whip attack. Just have a look. There are some details to polish. Tomorrow i’ll create impact and death anims, then the maps. Hope potentials customers will enjoy this asset. I’ll resell it at 30 dollars since i want to include all anims and the whip in one package.
Regards to all
hi one thing i noticed is the wings seem to stay rigid with all animations the wings should move and be slightly flexible so when the shoulders lunge forwards the wings wont move exactly the same, it sort of seem like the wings are stuck on as such, still eagerly watching the progress on this