I searched whole internet, and could not find a clear answer. Is there any way denoise image in real-time using patch tracing? I know that Unreal engine already has it (DLSS), but for the unity, I did not find anything. Please help, maybe there are some other projects which add denoiser in Unity.
There is no denoiser for path tracing currently, but it may come in the future (no ETA yet).
But anyway, pathtracing is not meant for real time rendering.
There is denoising in raytracing (for GI, shadows, reflections …)
Also, DLSS is not denoising, but more an upscaling method.
Thanks! Strange, on my GeForce 3080 Unity patchtracing works is very fast. And for me it was a big disappointment that I cannot turn on denoiser . I would like to get something like Quake 2 RTX, but it seems not destiny. Primarily for realistic realtime lighting and shadows.
Hopefully in the future developers will add this function, because people with RTX cards getting more.
Yeah, DXR rendering is very cool, but it does not provide realistic lighting as with patch tracing.
[QUOTE="molestium, post: 6753148, member: 2441404"This for only lightmaps?[/QUOTE]
Correct but since you added it, do the right thing and let us get some fast and nice renders for marketing purposes. It should not be that difficult to implement.
Why is this taking so long? Been on the roadmap for months.
Now with dlss 2.0, pathtracing works realy great. But if a realtime denoiser could be connected to this, it’s realy going to be game changing. We work a lot with Chaos Vantage and they have a similar approach and this dramastically changed our workflow. So if a realtime game engine like Unity would have this, it would be amazing.
Im using unity by now as my main renderer for cinematics, the usage of having all in place beeing able to easily integrate effects, simulations and particles is just very comfortable.
But yes I would also love to have an update on the pathtracing which includes a denoiser to reduce render times.
Been using the path tracer lately, a denoiser would really be helpful.
Yes, denoiser - please!
Denoiser! please!
Well, of course its not but hey it is a nice thing for rendering.
And it can open the door for more people using it to make offline media instead.
Voila, you can see how noisy it is still. But overall its pretty nice.
+1 on denoiser for pathtracing please!
There has been a card for it in the roadmap for quite a while now. Any ETA on it please?
Sadly no ETA, but the plan is still standing !
We are at point where we are almost going to develop our own denoiser from scratch
Ah thanks for the update. We will implement own temporal denoiser in that case.
Will you make this aviable on the asset store by any chance?
Hi, good news, work on the pathtracing denoiser has started! (card also moved to in progress on the roadmap)