Dense point cloud

Hello! I’d like to know if it’s possible to create a dense point cloud with ARFoundation’s PointCloudManager like in native ARKit implementation for iPad Pro with Lidar. Example here

Yes, you can use the depth API in ARFoundation 4.1 with the new iPadPro to get per pixel depth.
See this blog post:

Thanks a lot for your reply! Do you mean that instead of using ARPointCloud I could just spawn a point with depth at each pixel?


Hi @re-cheid and @Misnomer are you able to share how you would approach that? “Spawning a point with depth at each pixel” in code? I also need to obtain its location in 3Dspace, do you think this is possible?

@Rich_XR hey I shared the relevant code in this thread How to get point cloud in ARKit - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

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