Unity Transport 1.3.4 depends on Collections 1.2.4 which is quite old, the newest Collections in LTS is 2.1.4
This causes an issue because 2.1.4 contains breaking changes that need aligning in Transport.
Can we get an update to the newer Collections package please?
Unity Transport 1.X won’t be compatible with collections 2.X. This is due to breaking changes introduced with collection 2.X that led us to bump the transport version to 2.X.
In other words, if you need to use the new collections package, you will need to install Unity Transport 2.X.
It is available starting Unity editor 2022.2+
Also, Unity Transport 2.X doesn’t (yet!) appear in the package manager by default. So you’ll need to install it manually either through the package manager by adding the package by name and specifying the version, or by modifying the package manifest directly. The latest version is 2.0.2.