I also posted this on HoloToolkit-Unity’s GitHub here:
Tested both in emulator and remote device.
Unity 5.5.0f3
OS Build on emulator: 10.0.14393.0
Begin showing splash screen.
The following GlobalManagers were stripped from the build (Either because they’re not used or not supported on this platform):
UnloadTime: 2.947000 ms
HoloLensWorldManager failed to return a world coordinate system!
I used created a new Unity project, imported the latest toolkit (included examples), and tried the GazeRulerExample scene (HoloToolkit-Examples/GazeRuler/Scenes) as well as the BasicCursor scene (HoloTookit/Input/Tests/Scenes). I used the HoloToolkit menu options to apply to scene, project and player settings. I also confirmed that each setting was done. (I noted that the Unity C# project was not checked in build settings and checked that manually.) I confirmed that the SpatialPerception was checked as well.
While within Unity, playing the scene works fine. However within the emulator or the device, no splashscreen appears (which I find odd) and the system returns. It doesn’t state an error.
I can open the app by pinning it somewhere. The same situation happens (no splashscreen and it returns) and the pinned app is there.