
Calling CloudCode throws a DeserializationException.

The strange thing is that ItemDataA does not throw a DeserializationException but ItemDataB does

  • DataClass A
namespace MyGameData;

public class ItemDataA
    public int itemId;
    public int count;
  • DataClass B
namespace MyGameData;

public class ItemDataB
    public int itemId;
    public int count;
  • CloudCode
    public async Task<ItemDataA> ResponseTest(IExecutionContext context, IGameApiClient gameApiClient)
        return new ItemDataA() { itemId = 1000 , count = 10 };
  • UnityCode
 public async void GetItem()
            var result = await CloudCodeService.Instance.CallModuleEndpointAsync<ItemDataA>("GamePlayModule", "GetData");
        catch (CloudCodeException e)

In the case of the ItemDataA class, it runs normally, but

When running with the ItemDataB class, a DeserializationException occurs.

However, both run normally in the Unity Editor.

When building and running APK, DeserializationException occurs only in ItemDataB.

Unity.Services.CloudCode.Internal.Http.DeserializationException: Unable to find a constructor to use for type MyGameData.ItemDataB. A class should either have a default constructor, one constructor with arguments or a constructor marked with the JsonConstructor attribute. Path ‘count’, line 1, position 9.

I don’t know the cause

Is there anything I can try?

Hi @cloud314

Thanks for supplying your example code - unfortunately its not clear where the ItemDataA and ItemDataB classes are in relation to the Cloud Code module and the Unity Project - are you using data transfer objects? Data transfer objects (DTOs)

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