Deserialize JSON data for android via WWW (JsonUtility / JsonFX)

So I have to deserialize data from a file. It works fine for Windows and Mac, but doesnt for Android or iOS.

This is the code I have for Windows:

public void LoadAndDeserialize()
			var streamReader = new StreamReader(PATH);
			data = streamReader.ReadToEnd();			

			questions = JsonUtility.FromJson<Questions> (data);

It works perfectly. Either with JSONFX or new JsonUtilities.
And this is the code I have for Android:

public void LoadAndDeserialize()
    			WWW adata = new WWW(PATH);
    			while ( !adata.isDone) {}
    			var streamReader = new StreamReader(adata.text);
    			data = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    			questions = JsonUtility.FromJson<Questions> (data);

I also tried deserializing directly from WWW:

questions = JsonUtility.FromJson<Questions> (adata.text);

But it wont work either. So, what Im doing wrong? Whats the way to deserialize data for Android?

What I mean with “wont work” is: when I try to assign each field of Questions (Question text, answers…) to a GUI text I get a NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This does not happen for windows, and I’m assuming something is not working properly with the deserialization from WWW.

I managed to work around the problem by storing the data on Resources folder and loading the asset as TextAsset.

Someone suggested I needed to use Trim() in order to get it to work with WWW.

Here’s the post and the answers in detail: Reddit - Dive into anything