Hello there Guys
maybe some of you allready ran into the problem of how to put different animations together. While there is no problem to blend stance and movement, I’m struggeling with implementing reloading animations. The problem hereby is that the game is ment to be as realistic as possible and features many different weapon types. Right now I’m using a storage object to hold a list of the current configurated weapons. Each of them is a Prefab with the mesh and some gameobjects as calculation points (like hand position). The Prefab also has a Controller class, that is used to control the weapon and initiate actions like shooting or the mentioned reloading. Currently I calculate the weapon holding animation with a child point of the chest object. This way movement gets applied to the weapon, although it is static and the hands ar calculatet with ik points and hints.
However while my current system has the great advantage that I can control the position of the weapon directly. This makes it easy to implement features like forehold positioning in front of walls, tilting and holding it over a corner. And all of them are compatible with a wide amount of different weapons. But while I can control the weapon position better, I loose the functionality to play reloading animations. Or at least I need to fade the current ik-position to a standard pose and then start the animation. I’m not an expirienced animator, so the problem is: How could I redesign the animation system to feature different reloading or other interacting animations with a weapon.