Desktop Showing when Loading a New Scene in Build

Hey Everyone,

I’m running into an error / issue where the desktop shows for a couple frames on my game when loading a new scene. It only happens on the build and not in the editor.

I’m on 2019.4.40 LTS.

I tried loading scenes asynchronously and I implemented a loading screen thinking that might solve the issue, but I still see it happening.

I’m not sure what could be causing the issue. Any suggestions?

There’s probably a few frames where you don’t have a fullscreen camera clearing your video buffer.

Pause and step frame by frame in the editor and you can see it.

To pause under program control, just execute Debug.Break(); at the same time you load the scene, then step-step-step ensuring there’s an operating full-screen camera at every frame.

Thanks for the heads up. Any idea on how to ensure I have a camera going at all times?

I tried making a backup camera and throwing it in some scenes, but I’m still seeing the issue. I also had the camera as part of an instance so it should have been in every scene. The camera was just set to show a black background with a sort order of -100 so it would be behind my other cameras.