Desperate Request for South African Relay Servers

Unity Relay currently does not support South African servers, Considering the closest server we can connect to is Europe or Asia the best ping we can get is 180 milliseconds. And because relay sends information from the host and then to the clients the result is that clients have a minimum a delay of 360 milliseconds between them and the server (Although this averages over 400 milliseconds). This makes most games completely unplayable. (Competitive games are not viable at all).

I understand this issue can be overcome by hosting my own servers and having the game connect to those but I use Relay for the simplicity and to avoid complex hosting systems.

I have included an example of the delay experienced by a client here,
(You can see the player’s ping when the tab list opens.)

If any Unity officials are reading this I ask that you please consider adding Johannesburg or Cape Town servers for South Africa (Or any servers in Africa) as it is very difficult making and testing games utilizing Relay without it.

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Thank you for the feedback and interest in the Relay service!

We realize the offering is lacking in South Africa at the moment, leading to high latencies. We are periodically reviewing and adjusting our regional presence based on market data.

In the meantime, you would have a better experience using direct connections or dedicated servers. Also note that NAT punch-through is under consideration, which would help in some locations.

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Thank you for the reply, I am really glad to hear that.