Destroy a prefab among other prefabs of particular game object when touch it.

I am new for unity.Can some one help me?

I have floating balloon prefabs with specific letters.They are floating.I want to touch one balloon with one letter and pop it. When I touch one balloon prefab of that letter other all prefabs of particular game object in the screen is vanished.

I want to destroy only one balloon which I have touched.Plz help me.
This is what I used to destroy prefab.

void Update () {
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)




You either have to use Raycasting() to detect what balloon your are over, or alternately you can change your code to use the OnMouseDown() callback. OnMouseDown() works with touch even though it has ‘Mouse’ in the name.

void OnMouseDown() {

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