Destroy dont work on Rigidbody2D

Hello, im try destroy some objects who have created and put in a List, are clones, this is the code:

(method Start)..
StartCoroutine ("Spaw");

	IEnumerator Spaw(){
		if(list == null) list = new List<Rigidbody2D>();

		float waittime = Random.Range (minTimeBetweenSpawns, maxTimeBetweenSpawns);
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (waittime);

		float posY = Random.Range(minSpawnPosY, maxSpawnPosY);
		float posX = Random.Range (-11,11);

		Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(posX,posY, transform.position.z);

		Rigidbody2D propInstance = Instantiate (plataforma, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity) as Rigidbody2D;
		list.Add (propInstance);
		StartCoroutine (Spaw());
		if (list.Count >= 3) {
			Debug.Log("A conta e de "+list.Count);

			foreach(Rigidbody2D rigid in list){
			list = null;
			list = new List<Rigidbody2D>();	


the basic is the Destroy(rigid) and the DestroyImmediate method i try put also, but in the Game dont remove anithing, please, what i make wrong ? Thanks much.

Your code is attempting to destroy the Rigidbody component, not the game object. Try:
