Hi, I’m struggling a lot with this one.
I have an instantiation script on a Spawnpoint gameobject which is creating moving child prefab gameobjects with a particular tag (eg platformparent). These platformparents have child gameobjects in them, so the hierarchy ends up like this:
—> platformparent (moving)
----------> platform
The same script will also create another prefab gameobject with a script that will destroy the platforms (platformdestroyer). So the hierarchy will then look like this:
—> platformparent (moving)
----------> platform
I’m certain the two objects definitely collide, and both have box colliders with “is trigger = True”, and the platformparent has the correct tag per the script (platformparent)
My Destroy Script is:
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
Debug.Log ("COLLISION "+other.gameObject);
if (other.gameObject.tag == "platformparent") {
Destroy (other.gameObject);
Debug.Log ("Object was destroyed: "+other.gameObject);
I never see either of the debug logs fire when my platformparents collide with the platformdestroyer, however i will see some other objects fire off the first debug message, but NOT ALL. I have tested an example where I collided with another object which was a child of a different parent which triggered the Collision debug message, however when I de-parented the SAME OBJECT, it never generated the Collision.
All I can think at the moment is that the script isn’t quite honouring the collision if it happens at the “wrong” point in the hierarchy. Is that something that happens?
Would appreciate some help on this one. Got me stumped, and can’t seem to quite find a similar scenario here.