i have a simple destroy script and a enemy Health script i want to re design the destroy script to find the enemy health and destroy the one with 0 health
enemy death script
(simple destroy)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DestroyBasic : MonoBehaviour
void Update ()
EnemyHealth script
/// EnemyHealth.cs
/// A basic script display the health of a mob in game
/// This script is ment to be attached to a mob, or a mob prefab
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class EnemyHealth : MonoBehaviour {
public int maxHealth = 100;
public int curHealth = 100;
public float healthBarLength;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
healthBarLength = Screen.width / 2;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void OnGUI() {
GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 40, healthBarLength, 20), curHealth + "/" + maxHealth);
public void AddjustCurrentHealth(int adj) {
curHealth += adj;
if(curHealth < 0)
curHealth = 0;
if(curHealth > maxHealth)
curHealth = maxHealth;
if(maxHealth < 1)
maxHealth = 1;
healthBarLength = (Screen.width / 2) * (curHealth / (float)maxHealth);
if i dont need to have a separate script how would i add the destroy on 0 hp to EnemyHealth script