destroy gameobjects within overlapsphere

overlapsphere returns an array of colliders, i want to destroy all the GameObjects attached to those colliders and i dont know how to reference the GameObject:

				    var dwalls : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere(setmov, radius);
				for (var dwall in dwalls)
					if(dwall.transform.position ==  newWallPos){Destroy(dwall);}//destroy
				}		//List.Count			


sorry i had this right but ill put the answer because its useful in the reference.

	    var dwalls : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere(setmov, 4*sizeMult);

			for (var dwall in dwalls)
				if(dwall.transform.position ==  newWallPos){Destroy(dwall.gameObject);}//destroy
			}		//List.Count