I am creating a small interaction where you click on a table and a small animation plays in response. What I’m getting caught up on is that when I instantiate the click I cannot rid the click object from the game. This has ended up with me bogging it down with too many objects in scene. if you guys could take a look at my code I would greatly appreciate it! As I have been looking to the answer to this problem for hours now haha!
the fist block of code is in java script and the second is in c#
#pragma strict
var touch : GameObject;
function OnCollisionEnter (other : Collision) {
//public float initializationTime;
if (other.transform != transform && other.contacts.length!=0)
for (var i = 0; i < other.contacts.length; i++)
Instantiate(touch, other.contacts*. point,Quaternion.identity);*
- Destroy(GameObject.Find(“Click(Clone)”),10);*
- } *
- }*
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ImageSequenceTextureArray : MonoBehaviour
//An array of Objects that stores the results of the Resources.LoadAll() method*
private Object objects;*
//Each returned object is converted to a Texture and stored in this array*
private Texture textures;*
//With this Material object, a reference to the game object Material can be stored*
private Material goMaterial;*
//An integer to advance frames*
public int frameCounter = 0;*
void Awake()*
//Get a reference to the Material of the game object this script is attached to*
this.goMaterial = this.renderer.material;*
void Start ()*
//Load all textures found on the Sequence folder, that is placed inside the resources folder*
this.objects = Resources.LoadAll("Sequence", typeof(Texture));*
//Initialize the array of textures with the same size as the objects array*
this.textures = new Texture[objects.Length];*
//Cast each Object to Texture and store the result inside the Textures array*
for(int i=0; i < objects.Length;i++)*
this.textures = (Texture)this.objects*;*
* }*
* }*
* void Update ()*
* {*
* //Call the ‘PlayLoop’ method as a coroutine with a 0.04 delay*
* StartCoroutine(“Play”,0.00f);*
* //Set the material’s texture to the current value of the frameCounter variable*
* goMaterial.mainTexture = textures[frameCounter];*
* }*
* //The following methods return a IEnumerator so they can be yielded:*
* //A method to play the animation in a loop*
* IEnumerator PlayLoop(float delay)*
* {*
* //Wait for the time defined at the delay parameter*
* yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);*
* //Advance one frame*
* frameCounter = (++frameCounter)%textures.Length;*
* //Stop this coroutine*
* StopCoroutine(“PlayLoop”);*
* }*
* //A method to play the animation just once*
* IEnumerator Play(float delay)*
* {*
* //Wait for the time defined at the delay parameter*
* yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);*
* //If the frame counter isn’t at the last frame*
* if(frameCounter < textures.Length-1)*
* {*
* //Advance one frame*
* ++frameCounter;*
_ /
if(frameCounter >= 400)
* objects =null;*
* textures = null;*
* goMaterial = null;*
* frameCounter = frameCounter - 400;*
_ } /
//Stop this coroutine*
* StopCoroutine(“Play”);