Destroy Mesh Renderer under physics possible?

hey guys. So I have a scene in which the player can fire up gameobjects which are mesh renderer. Now I was thinking about destroying the objects over time while the fire is burning. Physics based ofc. Is there any simple method to do that or is it a lot of work?

You probably mean destroy as in “change the model” so it looks burned, right? You could have different versions of your object (undamaged, damaged, badly damaged, destroyed) and switch them. Other than that, yeah, it’s almost impossible to do it with complex models.

There are some assets in the asset store that might help you. Like this one, for example. I had to do the same with a door (I needed the door to break when hit multiple times). My solution was to animate the door in Max and have an animation controller set the door state depending on a damage parameter. You could also try this solution.