destroy player cloned weapon (multiplayer

Hi, i have a game setup where a player can instantiate a weapon with rpc and destroy it to swap in a different weapon that with testing i can see through other connected clients but my problem is I don’t know how to destroy that specific cloned weapon for that one player.


will work for singleplayer if theres only one player and no monsters use that same weapon name. But since this is multiplayer im trying to figure out what I can use instead. I’ve been looking up references for awhile but i can’t seem to quite find what i need.

I think it would be something like find gameobject owned by player (maybe view id or something in there) of short_sword(clone) and destroy? I’m hoping its something simple anyways. Will continue research

As you may have found out - you can’t reference gameObjects over an RPC, right? So in other words, you can’t do ‘Destroy(sword.gameObject)’ over clients in an RPC.

But there are multiple ways to reference a gameObject over a network, and destroy it. For your problem, you can just do this:


You don’t have to call it over an RPC either - call it locally, and the network will do the rest for you!