Destroy tile at impact (similar to Broforce)?

Hi, I’m new to Unity! I’m making my first 2D game which is some kind of platformer with guns and enemies. My goal is to make a game similar to Broforce, but I still haven’t figure out a way of making a destructible terrain with the Unity Tilemap System. Basically, when a bullet hits a tile, I want the tile to get destroyed and play a dust animation, as well as the tile to be replaced with another background tile. Anybody got any ideas how I could do this with the code? Thank you :slight_smile: ,Hi , I’m new to Unity! I’m working on my first 2D project which is some kind of platformer with guns and enemies. My goal is to make a game similar to Broforce, but I still need to figure out a way of making a destructible terrain with the unity 2D Tilemap system. I know I could just use a prefab brush for my tiles, and then when a bullet hits the prefab, it gets destroyed, but then everything would be kind of messy and hard to edit. Anybody got any ideas how I could manage to do this with a certain code? Thank you :slight_smile:

Maybe take a look at this method.