Destroyed objects don't appear on restart

Hi i am newbie in Unity and i have a problem about prefabs destruction.

I’m making a 2D infinite runner where the map is generated by a random sequel of prefab. When my character doesn’t see the old prefab, i want to destroy ( to avoid memoy explosion ).
So I used this script ( used in a tutoriel ).

I have no problem with the simulation of the game. However, when i build it, the prefabs are generated the first time but when i die and restart, nothing is generated.

I read that i have tocclone my object or something like that but i didn’t find how to do. Can you help me ? :slight_smile:

This is the script i used :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GeneratorScript : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject[] availableRooms;
	public List<GameObject> currentRooms;
	private float screenWidthInPoints;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		float height = 2.0f * Camera.main.orthographicSize;
		screenWidthInPoints = height * Camera.main.aspect;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

	void FixedUpdate () {

	void AddRoom(float farhtestRoomEndX)
		int randomRoomIndex = Random.Range(0, availableRooms.Length);
		GameObject room = (GameObject)Instantiate(availableRooms[randomRoomIndex]);
		float roomWidth = room.transform.FindChild("floor").localScale.x;
		float roomCenter = farhtestRoomEndX + roomWidth * 0.5f;
		room.transform.position = new Vector3(roomCenter, 0, 0);

	void GenerateRoomIfRequred()
		List<GameObject> roomsToRemove = new List<GameObject>();
		bool addRooms = true;        
		float playerX = transform.position.x;
		float removeRoomX = playerX - screenWidthInPoints;        
		float addRoomX = playerX + screenWidthInPoints;
		float farhtestRoomEndX = 0;
		foreach(var room in currentRooms)
			float roomWidth = room.transform.FindChild("floor").localScale.x;
			float roomStartX = room.transform.position.x - (roomWidth * 0.5f);    
			float roomEndX = roomStartX + roomWidth;                            
			if (roomStartX > addRoomX)
				addRooms = false;
			if (roomEndX < removeRoomX)
			farhtestRoomEndX = Mathf.Max(farhtestRoomEndX, roomEndX);
		foreach(var room in roomsToRemove)
		if (addRooms)

I think my problem is with the functionForeach when i destroy room but i’m not sure.

thank you for your help but in fact i found myself the error.

When i suppress the line 95 : Destroy(room); , things seem to be ok : i’m not destroying prefabs anymore. But is it a good solution ? Because not deleting the old rooms will make crash the game no ?