Destroying a non player object and syncing it with client and host unet

When I try to destroy my enemy ai it doesn’t sync to all players on the player that shoots the enemy sees the enemy die

I’ve tried syncing making it destroy the object on the player that has the network authority but Whenever I try it says there’s no network authority

And I’ve tried just launching the commands on the enemy by itself but that only shows on the player that kills the enemy

My enemy ai Code:

 public void takeDamage(int __amount) {

        if (isDead)
        enemyHealth -= __amount;
        if (enemyHealth <= 0) {




    public void die()

        //GameObject rg = (GameObject)Instantiate(ragDoll, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        //GameObject bS = (GameObject)Instantiate(bloodSplatter, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        //isDead = true;

    public void CmdEnemyOnDie()



    private void RpcEnemyOnDie()

        GameObject rg1 = (GameObject)Instantiate(ragDoll, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        Destroy(rg1, 60);




Does your Enemy AI GameObject/Prefab have a NetworkIdentity attached to it? If it’s a networked item that all players connected to your match can see and interact, you should have on it. If you do, you can just call Destroy(gameObject) on the gameObject on the Server and it will destroy it for every player connected to your match.