as already told I’m a very beginner user. I’m now tring to do the following…
what I want is to play a random sound and I do it and it’s ok; but if I want unity to understand which sound he is playing I can’t do. I’ve tried with the code below…
thanks in advance to all “helpers / commenters”
var aSounds = new Array();
var gabbiano : AudioClip;
var ringer : AudioClip;
function Start() {
audio.PlayOneShot(sound[Random.Range(0, aSounds.lenght)]);
//Now here when the random sound is gabbiano should print CUBO OK but nothing :(
if (gabbiano.isPlaying) {
print("CUBO OK");
1- isPlaying is an AudioSource property; gabbiano.isPlaying doesn’t exist;
2- PlayOneShot doesn’t affect audio.isPlaying - only Play does that.
2- You stored sounds in aSounds, but tried to play sounds from a sound array!
Anyway, you can’t tell if some AudioClip is playing, because only AudioSource has the isPlaying property. To do something similar to this, you should choose a random sound, store it in the audio.clip variable and call Play - then you could verify isPlaying, and print the sound name (its asset name, to be more precise).
Finally, you can use the builtin array instead of the Array() class:
var aSounds: AudioClip[]; // assign the sounds to this array in the Inspector
function Start(){
audio.clip = aSounds[Random.Range(0, aSounds.length)];
function Update(){
if (audio.isPlaying())
print("Sound "" is playing");
print("Sound ended");