Detect, destroy enemies then get score

Hello all,

I really newbie on this part. Is there any action references or script sample for game module contain detect enemies, destroy it then get the score?
I’ve been looking around the site but found nothing.

Any suggest would b helping, thx


I don’t know if there are any direct fits for what you’re asking for as I’m not sure what you’re after when you say you want to “detect enemies, destroy it and then get the score”, but have a look in the Resources area on


There you’ll find some example projects and tutorials that can help you get started (have a look at the 3D Platform Tutorial in specific). Additionally you might give the community wiki a look as well:

Unify Community Wiki

If you want to pursue this further here on the forums then please offer better/more complete explanations of what you’re after:

  • What do you want to happen in order to “detect” an enemy? Something only within sight or range of the player?

  • How exactly do you want to “destroy” the enemy? Are you shooting a weapon? Hitting as in hand-to-hand combat? Clicking on the object with the mouse? Other?

  • What do you mean by “get the score”? What score? Where are you getting it from? Where is it going?

Let us know as we’re all here to help!