Detect if music is playing in other apps on Android

I’m trying to detect whether music is playing in any other apps (Which should mute my game’s music).

seems to always return true.

I made a native plugin which works, in so far that it returns a value, but it’s always true. Am I missing something?

package com.glitchnap.glitchandroid;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.content.Context;
import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer;
public class GlitchAndroid {

	public boolean isMusicPlaying() {
	Log.i("GLITCHANDROID", "isMusicPlaying?");
	AudioManager aMan = (AudioManager)UnityPlayer.currentActivity.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
	return aMan.isMusicActive();


We heard back from Unity today, it sounds like when they revamped the audio for 5.0 they completely rewrote the Android player and introduced this issue. They should be working on a fix for a future 5.x release.