Detect mobile client in webgl

I need to detect whether the user is running a webgl app in a mobile browser or on a desktop/laptop browser. Is this possible to detect using the Unity API, or you need to do some HTML hack?

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Found the answer. In case anyone else needs it:

in assets/plugins/webgl/MyPlugin.jslib

var MyPlugin = {
    IsMobile: function()

mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, MyPlugin);

Then from unity:

    private static extern bool IsMobile();

    public bool isMobile()
            return IsMobile();
        return false;

Tested with Unity 2022.3:

bool isWebGLOnDesktop = !Application.isMobilePlatform
    && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer;

bool isWebGLOnMobile = Application.isMobilePlatform
    && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer;

Using Unity 2021.2.9f1 and I don’t see ‘assets/plugins/webgl/MyPlugin.jslib’ am I missing something? Can someone direct me toward the location? Or, is there a 2021 equivalent?

Hi, @TOES , can we know with this method if we are on iphone or ipad in addition ? Thank you :slight_smile:
(i need to know if i am on ipad or iphone to play video without sound :frowning: )