detect (or ray cast to) only horizontal planes

Yeah, there are many threads here that are talking about similar issues… that I also feel are related. I am having issues when going back and forth to an AR scene also… ie. NonARMenu > AR Scene > NonARMenu > ARScene… etc… It doesnt crash, but my frame rate starts to drop… If I stay in the ARScene it doesnt drop. Only on reload. If I build my game with out AR and mimic the placeonplane, I dont have these issues… so its not a memory leak on my part.

Re: ARPlaneManager… if you find the Unity responses to disabling/removing planes once your object is placed in this forum, and on github… you will find they all say you turn off plane detection by disabling the ARPlaneManager component on the ARSessionOrigin… I’m not saying that is not causing issues… but its supposed to be the approach as far as I can tell. But currently, there is a lack of response from anyone in Unity here… I actually asked that very question in my initial thread and got no response

So hunted down the answer in several other threads… eg:

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