Detect the same variable from multiple scripts

I am making a turn-based strategy game like Civilization. The solution for the turns I found is that I have a ‘turnDone’ variable on all my units. It is false by default, but after a step it turns true.
I also have a script that is supposed to access this value from all the Units that are currently in the game.

void Update(){

GameObject[] playerUnits = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Player");
		foreach (GameObject playerunit in playerUnits) {
			if( playerunit.GetComponent<Unit>().turnDone){
				playerunit.GetComponent<Unit>().turnDone = false;

My problem is that it looks at all the scripts individually i.e. if one unit’s turnDone is true, this script will turn all the units’ turnDone false.
Is there a solution to access all the scripts’ turnDone values collectively so that it would only turn them false if all the units’ turnDone is true?

Would this work for you?

int counter;

for (int i = 0; i < playerUnits.lentgth; i++) {
  if (playerUnits*.getComponent<Unit>).turnDone) {*


if (counter == playerUnits.length) {
// Run your code

This can do it:

bool isok = true;

foreach( GameObject playerunit in playerUnits ) 
   if (playerUnits*.getComponent<Unit>).turnDone == false ) isok = false;*

if ( isok == true ) {…do your thing…}

Also, you could break out of the “isok” phase with a return, if that’s appropriate, which is a quick exit - because any that aren’t done should just quit.