Detect when music has been faded out?


In the Main Menu of my game, when the player clicks “Quit” and then “Yes” on the dialog window I want my music to fade out and when that’s done = Application.Quit();

The music fades out just fine, but my MainMenuClickEvents.cs never detects when musisFaded is true in FadeMusic.cs…

Here’s my code:


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class FadeMusic : MonoBehaviour {
    [HideInInspector] public bool musicFaded = false;

    [Range(0f, 1f)] public float audioFadedVolume = 0f;
    public float fadeSpeed = 6f;

    private float originalVolume;

    void Start()
        musicFaded = false;
        originalVolume = this.GetComponent<MainMenuClickEvents> ()._audioSource.volume;
        Debug.Log ("Original volume: " + originalVolume);

    public void FadeOutMusic(GameObject _objectSource)
        StartCoroutine (Fade_Music (_objectSource.GetComponent<AudioSource>()));

    IEnumerator Fade_Music(AudioSource _aSource)
        while (_aSource.volume > audioFadedVolume) {

            _aSource.volume -= .1f * (Time.deltaTime * fadeSpeed);

            if (_aSource.volume <= audioFadedVolume) {
                _aSource.volume = audioFadedVolume;
                musicFaded = true;
                Debug.Log("Music has been faded...");
            } else {
                musicFaded = false;

            yield return 0;

The “Yes” button in my dialog windows calls this function:

public void Confirm_Quit()
        m_state = menuState.None;
        quitDialog.Hide ();

        this.GetComponent<FadeMusic> ().FadeOutMusic (this.musicObject);
        StartCoroutine (HideAndQuit ());

Here’s the IEnumerator HideAndQuit():

    IEnumerator HideAndQuit()
        while (!this.GetComponent<FadeMusic>().musicFaded) {
            if(this.GetComponent<FadeMusic>().musicFaded) {
                Debug.Log ("MainMenu: Music is faded...");

            yield return 0;


Should I put this musicFaded = True in the Update instead?

Its a logic mistake
In the last piece of code, the block 4-10 only executes when musicFaded is FALSE
when it turns true, the code does not execute
Move the quitting code after the block

   IEnumerator HideAndQuit()
        while (!this.GetComponent<FadeMusic>().musicFaded) {
            yield return 0;
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