Detected one or more triangles where the distance between any 2 vertices is greater than 500 units warning, can it be disabled?

Hi, i get the below meaningless warning spam in my log, is it possible to turn it off ?

“Detected one or more triangles where the distance between any 2 vertices is greater than 500 units. The resulting Triangle Mesh can impact simulation and query stability. It is recommended to tessellate meshes that have large triangles. Source mesh name:”


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I’d like to know this too. I have quite a few meshes with big triangles (imported from an old game), and the console is spitting out hundreds of warnings. This makes it very hard to see warnings I actually need to keep track of.


Indeed, plus is useless, we can have such triangles if suit the game, why need to see a spam warning about it ?

This should be delivered differently

Great to know this is a non-issue. I am new to all of this, and just seen this warning.

Changing the cooking options from Everything to Mixed like by choosing cook for faster simulation and Use Fast Midphase in the Mesh Collider Of that Mesh causing this will remove the error. :grin:


Interesting, will check it asap, thanks :slight_smile:

That worked great, thank you :smiley:

I spent an afternoon writing code to chop up my triangles and this works perfectly and is way more performant, thanks!