"Detecting Current SDK platform/tools version" takes too long

The other night it stuck for at least 10 minutes and I left office and went home, next morning it was still stuck.:face_with_spiral_eyes::hushed:

Today it takes 7 mins and that was quick enough compared to other tries.

BTW I use Unity 2019.3.f1 personal with Android build support installed by Unity Hub.

Hereā€™s part of the log. A full log can be posted if you guys need it.

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I have the same problem, Did you find a solution for it?

Same here. I am on Unity 2019.2.17f. The issue started today and I have been using this version for a week or so.

Nah, I just clone another repo/workspace for build only use, so when it gets stuck, I can continue my work. Luckily it always succeeds in minutes these days.

Its Strange, but may be your Internet connection has a problem, if you faced this again, Disable the connection, and it will work


I face this issue all day at work. The only thing i can think of is it has something to do with my proxy internet settings or restrictions with Unity accessing a network connection. I have to turn off my wifi and do a build for it to work.


This issue is just starting for me. Unity 2019.2.3f1 One build will succeed and the next will hang! Anyone with a solutiion - It wont build if Iā€™m not online saying services are un-available!

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You have to check the internet connection.

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Hey, might have a possible solution to this. After hours of trying different things to get it to work, I ended up just doing two things that somehow made it work (Iā€™m on MacOS Mojave btw).

  1. Restart the computer (yeah wow somehow the most simple thing I should have done in the first place worked).
  2. In the folder you are building to, delete and other builds you might have in there.

Not sure if this will work for everyone but thought I would let everyone know.

I encountered this annoying issue, and my solution is : cut the internet then build :slight_smile:

This mostly happens to me when I am on a VPN or my internet is too slow. So, I usually do either of these 2 things:

  1. Cut the internet
  2. Disconnect the VPN (if you are using one)
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close vpn maybe use, but there are any other solution?