Detecting hierarchy setup when dynamically setting referenes

We have some rather complex object setups for our game objects/prefabs (at least given their amount) so most of our scripts are set to automatically resolve references if not manually set, thus allowing quickly setting up units just by dropping in modules without having to resolve obvious references.
For example, the controller module will look for weapon, engine, AI and HP scripts in the object’s hierarchy unless specifically given them.

	if ( weapons.Length == 0 )
		weapons = transform.GetComponentsInChildren.<Weapon_Base>();
	if ( engine == null )
		engine = transform.GetComponentInChildren.<Engine_Thruster>();
	if ( operator == null )
		operator = transform.GetComponentInChildren.<Operator_Base>();
	if ( bodyHub == null )
		bodyHub = transform.GetComponentInChildren.<Body_Hub>();

The Hierarchy is rather flat, like this:

> root
| o Controller Script
| o Body Script
| o Engine Script
|-> Colliders
| |-> BoxCollider
| \-> ...
|-> WeaponA Container
|   o WeaponA Script
\-> WeaponB Container
    o WeaponB Script

Now we’d like to extent the complexity of our objects with sub-components - think of independent turrets, destroyable engines, the like. This means that a component would scan the hierarchy for possible script references, but only until it hits another component of its kind - for example, the root controller would still store all weapons but those in a sub-hierarchy of say a turret controller.

> root
| o Root Controller Script
| o Root Body Script    # belongs to root controller
|-> WeaponA Container
|   o WeaponA Script    # belongs to root controller
|-> Turret Root         # root controller won't enter here
| | o Turret Controller Script
| | o Turret Body Script    # belongs to turret controller
| \-> WeaponB Container
|     o WeaponB Script      # belongs to turret controller
\-> WeaponC Container
    o WeaponC Script    # belongs to root controller

So what we’d need is some way to walk through the hierarchy, just as one would walk through directories in a filesystem, or a way to discern whether between the searching component and the found one there is a specific component in between. Or is there even an inbuilt function for this, to limit the depth of searching components?

I can’t tell from your description exactly what you are after, but you can scan the hierarchy yourself very easily.

First, the transform is an iterator, so:

foreach(Transform child in transform) {
  // do something with child

If you want, you can easily stuff this in a method so it does this recursively:

void ScanHiearchy(Transform t)
  foreach(Transform child in t) {
    // do something with child
    ScanHiearchy(child); // Recurse!


But from the looks of what I think you want to do, you don’t want to recurse. So each controller can just traverse the first level of children (the initial code sample above), and on each child do the appropriate GetComponent<>() call. If not null, store the component in the root controller’s collection of such things. Each root controller just does that.

So something like:

// Example for Root Controller Script
// Assumes someplace Weapons is defined as a listof RootBodyScript components.
foreach(Transform child in transform) {
  RootBodyScript rbs = child.GetComponent<RootBodyScript>();