Detecting if an input was something other then a specified character (C#)

I’m trying to make a cheat code. Right now, if I type in lgcash, I get infinite money. The problem is that if I typed in letters in between, it still works; like if I typed in lgcasjjjjjjjh It would still work. I don’t like that. This is my code:

				one = true;
			if(one == true && Input.GetKeyDown("g")){
				two = true;
			if(two == true && Input.GetKeyDown("c")){
				three = true;
			if(three == true && Input.GetKeyDown("a")){
				four = true;
			if(four == true && Input.GetKeyDown("s")){
				five = true;
			if(five == true && Input.GetKeyDown("h")){
				Dontdestroy.playerscore = Mathf.Infinity;

Is there some sort of if statement where it says if the input was not g? Am I doing this entirely wrong? Because I feel like this could be done in a much easier way.

Thanks in advance.

You could use Input.anyKeyDown to check if a key is down and then reset your sequence. Something like this:

private string[] cheat = { "l", "g", "c", "a", "s", "h" };
private int cheatIndex = 0;
void Update () {
    if (Input.anyKeyDown)
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(cheat[cheatIndex]))
            if (cheatIndex == cheat.Length)
                Dontdestroy.playerscore = Mathf.Infinity;
                cheatIndex = 0;
            cheatIndex = 0;

Instead of doing it that way, I would create an in-game console menu that you can type into, so you are creating a string before they hit enter, and you compare that string to any commands that you have set up. This way, if someone doesn’t want to do that in the game, and just by some chance manage to type it, they won’t get the cheat.