Detecting movement (unity 2d)

How do i make so my script detects when my player is moving? Please help me! I have tried everything…

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Knight : MonoBehaviour
    void DetectPlayerMoving()
        //insert code here

Erm… is the Knight script attached to a GameObject with a rigidbody? If so all you need to do is get the rigidbody with GetComponent() in Start and store it in a global variable, then check in FixedUpdate if the magnitude of it’s velocity is larger than some threshold.

If it only moves ones then You could have a moving variable that you enable in your movement code. Then you could set it to false in update if it isn’t already code:

bool moving = false;

// Add this to movement code:
moving = true

void Update() {
        if(moving == true){
                moving = false;

Hope this helps!