Detecting Oculus HMD is removed

While running and with an Oculus HDM attached does anyone know of a way to detect if the user/player has removed the headset? I’m trying to setup a script to trigger rendering on screen instructions to the desktop display and then reload the scene once a new player puts the headset on to restart the experience in a multi user scenario.

@delphinius81 Posting your answer from Oculus Dev forums:

"You can register delegates for the HMDMounted and HMDUnmounted events through OVRManager.

OVRManager.HMDMounted += HandleHMDMounted;
OVRManager.HMDUnmounted += HandleHMDUnmounted;

void HandleHMDMounted() {
   // Do stuff

void HandleHMDUnmounted() {
   // Do stuff

Yesterday I was working on this issue and figured that HMD mount detection happens in OVRManager here:

if (!_wasHmdPresent && isHmdPresent)
				if (HMDAcquired != null)
                        //Put here code that you want to run when the HMD is mounted.

And then the same goes for removal of the HMD:

	if (_wasUserPresent && !isUserPresent)
				if (HMDUnmounted != null)
                        //Put here code that you want to run when the HMD is unmounted.

Has anyone succeeded in getting this to actually work?

I’ve tried this but doesn’t do anything. When the HMD is taken off, the screen goes black and Unity app suspends… I haven’t been able to run any code in response.

OVRManager.HMDUnmounted += OnHDUnmounted;

private void OnHDUnmounted()  {
	VRSettings.enabled = false;

This still does not work for me. See this question: Unity Oculus OVR not responding to remove/put on headset - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

I see the comment saying “enable run in background in player settings and inside OVRManager” - I’ve done so in Player Settings (and in code), but OVRManager lacks a “runInBackground” property… (see docs here: )